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I'm Totally blown away about the compatibility, usability and price of this high quality product - this is the best C64 I've ever had! by Amix

(Posted on 24-jan-2019 23:39)

Ultimate64 Elite-II

"This the best C64 I've ever had! Compatible, comfortable and affordable - the only logic replacement for the dying C64 hardware. It's a plug and play job - plug it into your old C64 case, connect the keyboard and off we go - PLAY! Oh no, wait - there is a little configuration to do, right but only for the first time. Then you just switch it on and enjoy. The brilliant display brings memories back, the Sid emulator is good enough for me and the Ultimate software (you learned to love using the Ultimate 1541) lets you enjoy the new simplicity. So far all demos and games worked without problems. I love this outstanding hardware, thanks! "